Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pre-Trash the Dress

   So as some of you know, we have been doing a little Project called "Trash the Dress SLO Style" and this was our 3rd session. We had such a blast with this one and Brittney Blaha our Wedding Model did an absolutly spectactular job and she played the part so well. I am pretty sure that this is the funnest thing we have done to date! If you have time stop by and check out her Facebook, she has many more pictures from her Modeling career.. Have you ever worried when baking the Cherry Pie that you might accidently trip and get it all over your clothes? Now what if you were wearing a wedding dress?? That is exactly what we did! I guess you can say we like to make people cringe :) Take a look at some of the Pre-shots before we trashed it. Oh and by the way, the Cherry pie was the least of its problems. Lets just say in the end the dress was in about 30 pieces :) Keep on the look out.Very shortly I will be posting quite a few pics of the shoot right here on this blog!

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