Sunday, November 28, 2010

Will's Family Photos

   So today I had the pleasure of taking the Will's family pictures. I had the opportunity a couple of months ago to take their pictures, but April was pregnant. This time their newest addition was able to join the family in their family pictures. What a beautiful family, check em' out!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wedding season for us comes to a close

   WOW! What a year! We never expected to have the kind of year that we had and it brings us such great joy to say "Thank You!" This year alone in 3 months we accomplished 8 weddings and we had a blast at all of them! We will be ending our last wedding of the year today at the Madonna Inn and what a place to end the year! We look forward to this next year and seeing what it will bring us. We have already started booking for this next year and we are very excited because we have alot of new equipment coming in that is going to magnify the clarity and precision of our work. If you have a wedding coming up this next year and want to get a jump on booking us, email us today! The joy we have in this work is meeting new people and their unique style. Our year is not completly over yet and we still book for other shoots. Become one of our followers and watch as our clientel continues to grow. Without you guys we would not be able to create such great memories!

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Carey Family

   So as many know here in California our version of Christmas isn't a "White" one, more like a rainy one. So this year instead of trying to create christmas pictures where snow exists, why not just take them in the sand? This lovely family contacted me a few weeks ago wanting to do christmas pictures at the beach. That is when I came up wth the idea to just bring Christmas to the beach. We gave it our best shot and I think the results were quite good. Check em out, oh and by the way, "Merry Christmas!"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Trash the Dress (50's Housewife pt. 2 "Revenge")

So here we have part 2 of our 50's Housewife "Trash the Dress" only this time out housewife has discovered something that has made her very unhappy and has caused a broken heart. So what way to get back at the person who hurt her then Trash the Dress? Her are a few photos of the shoot. The pictures tell a story and in the end she seems to be at peace. Enjoy!