Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bonnie's Headshots

  So yesterday I had the pleasure of working with Mrs. Bonnie Louwerens whom you might recognize because I had the pleasure of shooting her Wedding this last March. Well as her and I talked one day she told me of a project that she has been working on for awhile. Her book. We then started talkiing about how she was interested in getting pictures done for her headshot at the back of the book and for her website. So that is when we decided to set a date and head out to get them done. Since her book deals with post Apocalypse, we wanted something run done. I thought why not take it to the next level of not only someplace run down but down right creepy. Though there is much confusion to whether it was an insane asylum, orphanage, or juvinille detention center, it's all creepy! We had so much fun and everytime birds would randomly fly all at once from the silent building she would jump a little, but she kept it pretty together. Well her are a few pictures from the shoot and stay tuned when I mess around with them a little more to make them creepier Bwhahaha!!!

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