Friday, December 10, 2010

Almost 1000 visits?!?

WOW! So I was just taking a look at some of our stats from this blog and since we started out blog on the 13th of last month we have already almost had a 1000 visits! Thank you to everyone that has supported us! We are 3 days away from one month and just need 31 more visits! We have had SO much fun these past years and have had the pleasure of creating so many new friends. We have so many new things coming up this next year and are in the running to hopefully getting a spread in "New Times" if we can get enough support. We hope to meet new friends and bring someones vision to life. Have a wonderful rest of the year and hope to hear from you soon!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nguyen Wedding (Part 1)

Wowwy! Last Wedding of the year and this was a fun one. I definatly need to say these two know how to throw a party! I had the pleasure of first meeting these two about 5 months ago and I remember at first thinking,, "wow, they are young" but you can feel the deep love that they have for each other right from the beginning. I was very honored to be a part of this Wedding and even got amazing pictures! Check them out, maybe leave a few comments and become one of our followers :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Horrell Family Pictures

So I had the Joy of shooting this Mother and her little one. He was a very active little one and I am pretty sure that the creek is his favorite place to be. He had a blast and so did we taking these pictures!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Will's Family Photos

   So today I had the pleasure of taking the Will's family pictures. I had the opportunity a couple of months ago to take their pictures, but April was pregnant. This time their newest addition was able to join the family in their family pictures. What a beautiful family, check em' out!